I expect these pages to take the longest to complete and I could use as much help as I can get.  I can only find info
dating back to Johann Rothenbuhler thus far.  If any of my research seems incomplete or way off target......
Please let me know :)

p-->Walter Lawrence Rothenbuhler
q     Pearl Edith Rothenbuhler-Gorrie
                    |-->Lawrence Walter Rothenbuhler
p|-->Albert Allen Rothenbuhler
q|     Christine Dorthea Sackman
                    |     Ruth Mainard Rothenbuhler-Johnson
p|-->Robert Lee Rothenbuhler
q|     Vera Pearl Rothenbuhler-Noice
p|-->Archie Earl Rothenbuhler
q|     Marion Elizabeth Rothenbuhler-Stamm
p|-->Bruce Fred Rothenbuhler
q|     Gertrude Rita Rothenbuhler-Noice
                    |        |
p|-->Larry Eldon Lintz
q|     Joyce E. Peterson
                    |        |     Bonnie Elaine Lintz-Farr
                    |        |
p|-->Susan Kay Ruckdaschel-Rothenbuhler
q     Glen Leroy Ruckdashel
                    |                |
p|-->Brenda Sue Jordan-Ruckdaschel
q      Darren Jordan 
                    |                        |
                    |                        |-->Kylie Danielle Jordan
                    |                        |
                    |                        |-->Tyler Matthew Jordan
                    |                        |
                    |                        |-->
Conner Andrew Jordan
                    |     Jean Rothenbuhler-Galbraith
p|-->Gordon Elton Rothenbuhler
q|     Lorraine Mary Rothenbuhler-McDougle
p|-->Glen Donald Rothenbuhler
q      Bernice Mae Rothenbuhler-Stamm


(last updated 9/6/04)